Fridge KitchenAid Repair
People purchase built-in home appliances to provide a comfortable life for a long time. Obviously, such machines need maintenance and repair, especially after long usage. Today our staff repaired the side-by-side refrigerator/freezer Kitchen Aid. These ice machines have a common, widely known problem. Over time their evaporator usually starts to suffer from wear and tear. Usually, this period lasts from 15 to 18 years. Typically develops a slow leak of refrigerant where it is bonded to the freeze plate. The technician had to resolve this problem. The job took a lot of effort, because of necessary to disassemble some parts. The broken evaporator was successfully replaced. As usual, also the compressor was changed because one bad part lead to improper working conditions for another part as well. And finally, our coworker charged the fridge with new refrigerant. The full task was accomplished in one day.